Application 3765

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because i want to learn more about redstone. I like building with it, but i cant really understand the meaning awith some of the things i copy from youtube. (I mean i look at a video and build the same) My friend, Gnoske, is a learner and he'll help me and learn me about these stuff. Gates like XOR, AND and probably RS NOR LACH is the only gates i know about!
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've been building with redstone for 2 years now. I can build stuff like piston doors, games you play in minecraft (something like SuperCraftSmash Bros, made by Sethbling). Right now im building on a song in minecraft. It will be using a lot of repeaters and redstone wire. Im using some decay on the repeaters so i can make it fit in.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
If i'll be accepted, i would like to learn more about redstone. I may not be so good, and thats why i would like to join, to learn more!
Application status: 