Application 3767

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server because when I play by myself I end up getting bored and I am not as encouraged to build with redstone. Also if i have a problem I can just ask for help on the server. In single player i would have to look around on youtube and sometimes I still cant find a solution. On a server I wouldn't have that problem. One of the biggest advantages for me is that on this server I would be able to look at others creations and see what some possibilities are. While I was looking around recently I have seen many things that I didnt even know you could create.
Past Redstone Experience: 
During the last year I have been into redstone more than ever. Ever since I bought minecraft I had thought of redstone as my favorite thing to do. When pistons came out I liked to make piston doors, monostable circuits and other things that you couldn't do as well without. But like I said this past year has been the peak of my redstone intrests. I have built many things just since the past few months. Most of which have probably already been built on this server. I can do logic gates monostable circuits edge detectors and lots with pistons. I can make a compact flush 2x2 piston door and a 3x3 compact piston door. I can also make a fence gate that that you would see at a castle. I can also make a piston bridge and a furnace bud switch that only opens if you put a sapling or what you customized it to detect. I have also been working on a mini game with my brother using command blocks, but I am waiting for some of the functions from the redstone update before I finish it. I have tried to make a piston display, but I am still in the process of making it. If I was able to build on this server I would be able to get help from others if they are willing to help.
Application status: 