Application 3791

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
im here to learn some redstone and get creative !!! I know u guys r pros and i am just a redstone noob but im going to give 100 and 10!!!! percent interest in this server and every spare moment i have from the second i get back from school to the second i go back to school. And with the help of this server i think that someday i will be as good as he pros that live on redstone :) also i play with redstone only on single player so if i can just have a chance to play with redstone with other players i would be grateful, VERY grateful.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Now that i think about it i am a good if not great redstoner! but im not pro yet. Im srry that i dont have any links to stuff i have made :( but i have made a sun day sensor. A 12 by 12 door. and a redstone thing that makes it so when u smelt something in a furnace a piston will open :) there not that good but thats y want to learn and the stuff here is only my best work i can make a lot more easy and basic redstone stuff.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I also have skype if u want to stay in touch :) hope u accept my application and that its better then last time :) again sorry about the no link thing i hope that dont get rid of my chance of joining.... all i want is a chance.
Application status: 