posted by Zoidsfan77
on Mon, 2013-02-11 00:35

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would like a place to experiment and build some redstone related projects other than SSP, this server looks to have an excellent and thriving community I would like to be apart of.
Past Redstone Experience:
One of my largest builds was on a PvP server that belonged to a friend. I built a 21 digit billboard that could display A-Z 0-9. It was programmable and stored up to 48 messages. It did not need to change often so it was designed with lag-free'ness in mind. There where 21 encoders and decoders, lots of piston memory tapes, and a tremendous amount of wiring.
Most of my other projects are memory systems and small displays.
The screenshots attached are just some random projects I had saved in single player, sadly I don't have any on hand on my largest display.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Nope, I think that about sums things up. Thank you for your consideration.
Application status: