Application 3827

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am fascinated with redstone, with just the concept. I am not a big fan of electricity in real life (past experiences) but i just love the endless possiblities of things that you can make with redstone. I am also an amateur in the art of minecraft computers, so i would love to learn from other people in the server. I am also a big fan of flyingchainsaw since he is the one that helped me and all. I love this server, and i would love to learn and share my creativity and discoveries with others. I am also excited for the new redstone update.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I am still new to the art of making minecraft complicated circuitry like computers, but i have made a complicated rube goldberg machine. Basically, a redstone signal is applied to a piston, which shoots up tnt, which is lit halfway in the air, and a piston catches it in the air (under the tnt) and the tnt propels a peice of sand (explosins off on the server) which then the sane suffocates a chicken, dropping the feathers on a pressure plate below, which then releases a piston releasing water, which floods a reverse switch, turning off a redstone signal that is connected to a piston in the air. The piston retracts, dropping an anvil on a pig, and the pork from the pig hits a pressure plate on all sides of the pig and it opens a door with a redstone signal. :)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I really want to know how to make a calculator. I need one for my homework. I also know that they are some very educated people on the server :)
Application status: 