Application 3845

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i joined this server because my massive redstone computer on another server was erased for being too large :/ i want a nice community to talk to and play with apparently this is the best one so this is the one im joining :)
Past Redstone Experience: 
You can View my Creations here if you like ** Ive made small traps to MAssive redstone computers that support LAN connections Some players called me a redstone god on my older server XD
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Im Australian :O
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

We are not displaying links public, due it could have advertising, else if it is very good pictures, then the plagiat control works bad if their changing links but keeping the pictures.

I removed the links inside the "Past Redstone Experience" aswell. But I'm noticing that you don't have the same username as PlanetMinecraft username. So that means we need some kind of evidence that it is you.

The application is also abit short. You're writing about 1,5 lines per question, when we are recommending 3 lines per question. Obviuslly you don't need to write that long with such good links. But some evidence and some more information would help you alot! And just some partly information how the computer works. Use subjects expressions if you don't mind.

Thank you for applying, and I do wish if you consider re-applying here.

Your Beloving Norwegian:

By Flandyn