Application 3858

SlimeFlesh's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because i love redstone. Also i learned that if i play on this server and become social with the players my skills with redstone gets much much better. I developed the skills to make a tictactoe with winning detection on this server and really want to get better so my skills don't get rusty.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I can make a tictactoe with winning detection although it is not the fastest and efficient but hey its my first major build and it gets the job done. You may have seen it in the server i built it with my firecracker901 account. Im able to make a connect 4 but no winning detection and i think this is a good goal. Boo on the server taught me encoders and decoders and I can make those. I made a big maze game which basically consisted of a whole ton of RS nor latches that opened gates and such. I make things with redstone logically, but with this style i use a lot of pistons. I hope you understand what i mean by logically, because i'm not very great with explaining those kind of things. My experience is not too impressive but the reason i'm joining is so i can MAKE it impressive.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
This is a very nice website. If i tried to code this it would take me a month.
Application status: 