posted by CrazyGrape
on Sun, 2013-02-17 00:47

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I really want to learn more than the basics about redstone. It's a bit hard to expand the statement more than that, but I want to be able to construct redstone builds at least half as cool as that of Sethbling or other Minecrafters of the such. I want to be able to build needlessly cruel traps like those that Vechz creates time and time again. Honestly, I just typed in "learn redstone server" in Google and clicked the first relevant result, but just looking at some of the builds tells me that these players have learned something or another about redstone and how to use it to make awesome stuff (for lack of a better word. "builds," maybe?).
Past Redstone Experience:
Without using a tutorial to construct a build, I have made some interesting things involving redstone. I have made some basic stuff, such as sugarcane farms and cobblestone generators using pistons to prevent item loss in lava, but once I made a pyramid puzzle that involved trial and error, in both constructing and completing (If you didn't know the right button to press). There was a small box outside of the pyramid that required shooting an arrow into a corner of it, which opened its doors (By triggering a pressure plate). Inside, there were several buttons you had to press, and only one of them was right. Pressing a wrong button triggered a dispenser with a splash potion with a negative effect in it, whereas pressing the right button caused a piston to open up at the opposite side with a chest in it. I'm not sure how you got out, but it was either pressing the right button or getting out before the arrow despawned. Another build involved the way stair blocks now work, which I utilized to hide a lever that opened up a hidden staircase.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I do not have any screenshots of my pyramid build, as I made it on a LAN world on a laptop that do not have any access to at the moment. Imgur is being stupid (I think. I don't play around with it too much) and I am just going to post the URL with the Album Options on the side. I don't know how bad of an idea that is, but "Submit to Gallery" doesn't seem to work.
Application status:
Crap, I was supposed to put literal screenshot URL's, wasn't I?