posted by slyer300
on Sat, 2013-02-23 16:00
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because I like Redstone.
I never seen a Redstone server!:D
Past Redstone Experience:
Ya my biggest Redstone Building was a calk xD
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Nope ^^
Application status:
Not approved
Denied because...
There are sadly a number of reasons why I denied you:
1. This is supposed to be an application form, smiley faces are not appreciated.
2. We are recommending all players to write three full lines per question.(Drei full Zeilen pro Frage).
3. Personality doesn't have that much about your age, where you are from or how long you've played minecraft.
4. Your biggest redstone build is a calk? I bet you mean calculator. But you need to tell us how it works. And you can tell us about other projects.
5. Personlality is supposed to be what makes you speciel, what makes you to who you are. Are you happy, calm, angry, fast learner, hard worker? etc.
6. I'm from Norway myself, so you don't need to mention that your english knownledge is abit lower, we're not that strict on grammar or spelling around here. And english is in fact my fourth language.
I hope this is all good enough information for you. Thank you for applying and I would like to see you consider re-applying.
Your Beloving Norwegian: