posted by Romejanic
on Wed, 2013-02-27 20:55

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I did a web search for redstone servers and I found this one. I join, figured out how to leave the spawn and I checked out the place! It was an epic server and I wish to build in it myself!
Past Redstone Experience:
I would say my best redstione creation is not yet completed, but is a playable version of Portal in Minecraft. But by the end of today, I woukd have finshed my best to date, a coop map that I helped my brother and friend build which is known as The Emerald Escape. I completed pretty much all of the redstone circuits in that map.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Yes. I am the co owner of Romejanic (link below) and I make videos about minecraft and I will hopefully start a series known as "Rome Knows Redstone" which shows it's audience how to build simple and complex redstone circuits.
Application status:
Not approved