Application 3933

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server for redstoning! I love redstoning but never get a chance to show it off in public server, so i thought: this is my chance! I could also use some tips too, but only in the advanced redstone section. Another reason for me wanting to join is meeting friends that know redstone, Because all of my friends aren't the best. When I build a contraption on a single-player world, I show my friends, and they go "cool" and thats it. I could have better feedback from players on this server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best ever creation was a 4 bit binary computer, but it got destroyed. It had 4 bits of ram and rom, and 4 bits of program memory. I could build this alot bigger anytime, but I never got to it. The user input required knowledge of binary, (And yes, I understand binary numbering just fine, kinda odd since I am 12...) But otherwise it was simple. Levers: Power on, run program, turn branching on, turn mathematical branching on, and binary inputs (ram).
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I would like to say that I am a pretty good redstoner, all I have left to learn is advanced computers.
Application status: 