Application 3934

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join the server because I want to learn how to make redstone machines that amaze people. Like make them go "Wow!". Another reason I want to join this server is because I want to learn about redstone and stuff I never heard about before, like computers, implementing binary into my machines. I don't want to learn and do all of this stuff alone on a single player world, I want to have support and learn from other people.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have made a self rebuilding spleef arena (though it is kind of slow) I have also created a hidden 2 wide stairway. It uses corner stairs to cover it up when it is deactivated. I have also made a hidden piston 1x1 floor entrance/trap. I thought it was too simple and small, so I made a 2x2 version of it. I have made a few other simple things like an elevator, a conveyor belt. I hope to make a lot of redstone machines on the server.
Application status: 