posted by himan991122.
on Tue, 2013-03-05 02:19
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i want to join the server because i would like to learn and see more redstone builds. im not really good with redstone but i would say im ok. i would also like to join your server because redstone servers i heard are pretty cool. the redstone servers i think are easest to learn redstone for building and makeing cool stuff. iu alsop want to join the server because i like using redstone on house and micheans. thats why i would like to join your server.
Past Redstone Experience:
i built a sand regenarator or if you want to call it a sand maker. i did this like 3 days ago because i was low on sand in my world. so how this works if you dont know it works when the sand gets moved it duplacates into more sand. it also is good for showing off your redstone and it helps with whatever your making. i also made a lighthouse that revolves around and that took alot of metarials to make. i allso make diffrent types of thing.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
can me and my friend abcdeath716 share a plot he wants to also.
Application status: