posted by justinruaya123
on Tue, 2013-03-05 04:27
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join in this server because I like to learn more about redstone. Even though i perfected 7 segments, adders but I need to learn binary or logic. This is to enhance my redstone knowledge. I build alot of contraptions in a server but I like to join this server. I also want to meet new redstoners. Because these will be my companion in the server.
Past Redstone Experience:
Since i am a redstoner, I build alot of contraptions however i want to learn Logic and binary
I build a Redstone academy (building), this building contains redstone basics and machines.
I also built a Ultilock. Its a large combo lock composed of different kinds of Combo locks (Combo of a combo locks :P)
I also built a Image Loader, TV starts here however this only loads images in lots of slots (34)
I also build a conenct 4, this is a Minigame that allows you to play just like connect 4 game in your house :P (p.s. I did this cuz im bored :P ) I perfected 7-Segment displays.
I also built a Vending machine with smart item payment. This is a machine that dispense items but using specified currency.
I am experienced but i really want to learn logics and binary. My past redstone experience is in a creative server. These are the pictures of my past redstone experience
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I hope you accept this application. I really want to get accepted to meet alot of redstoners. P,S some pics have nodus guis. I removed them already so i removed that mod in my Minecraft. Please PM me if you need more pictures because imgur is somehow bugged when I uploaded the third image (doesent show in my gallery D:)
Application status: