Application 3953

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in joining this server for several reasons. First and foremost, it is professional, which is desirable, since the servers I have previously been on were all run by friends and ended horribly, usually with corrupted saves due to a clumsy mistake. Secondly, this server is about redstone, with few people allowed on at a time. That is something that I like, because I would be able to interact with a smaller group, which means that I could easily help other people, and ask for help in turn. It also help to eliminate the possibility of other peoples mistakes. And finally, it is in creative mode, which is highly beneficial, especially in combination with the plots of land. These will help me with my builds. Also, it seems as if this server has a dedicated staff, instead of one that just does what they want, when they want.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I am only in algebra II, and my school provides few opportunities to learn about computers, programming, or how everything fits together. Combined with the massive amounts of homework I am assigned, it makes it very hard to find a way to learn. Therefore, most of my knowledge about redstone is second-hand from youtube. While I am not proud of this, I have been able to accomplish several things that i am proud of, such as; several minigames including rock paper scissors with a working computer, a two-block-tall triple piston extender, a 3x5 2-bit multiplexor, a hypothetical keyboard with a working display (I could not finish it because i did not have the time or man power), and several other things. Most of the logic used was considered level 3 by the Minecraft Wiki, but with a bit of work, I am confident that I could master level four.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Sadly, most of my creations dissappeared along with the servers. Also, I have no links, only the screenshots saved to my computer. My Skype username is (pm me if you really need it) if you wish to contact me for them. I am upwinds of 15, my birthday is within the week, so I am not really that young. I really hope that I am accepted, as this looks like a credible server, and since I am not on any servers currently, most of my time would be spent on yours. Thanks!
Application status: 


i also dont care for mods, as i prefer to build by hand (I believe that it is more credible), and I have no idea how to create a hacked client, so you have no need to worry.

By Radstah689