posted by weatherman1234
on Fri, 2013-03-08 22:55

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Like I said, I love redstone! I have always looked for a server with redstoners like me. I can make a ton of machines, like melon farms, tnt cannons (Only in Single Player) and secret stairs. And with the new redstone update coming out on Wednesday, I can make more creations! I can't wait to share my redstone creations with you.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have made redstone machines all the time. My favorite would have to be the secret stairs, which are easy to make (Most of the time) What you do is, get sticky pistons, and a wall made of any material. And as always, you need redstone and a lever/button/pressure plate.
First, you build a pyramid of sticky pistons. Then, you build a wall in front of them to hide them. Then, i build a pool infront of the wall so the player who uses it doesnt die. After that, you put blocks at the back of the pistons. make a redstone line at the back of the blocks and make that lead to the wall. Put a lever where the redstone lane ends and pull the lever... and the stairs will appear.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Application status: