posted by TSANOO
on Sat, 2013-03-09 00:13

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Since the Cubehamster server closed down, I've been searching for a good redstone server. Well, not 24/7, but lately I wanted to build on some redstone again, and I didn't feel like doing that in singleplayer. This server is the only good, well thought out, redstone based server I could find. The website looks great, your main focus is Redstone with a capital R, and the information on the website is kindly written down, so I suspect this is a nice and kind server. You've got clear rules and you seem to be taking notice, and getting into action, when a griefer is spotted.
Past Redstone Experience:
So, this is where it might get tricky to accept me. I'm not one of the best redstoners. Nowhere near of that definition. But I was working on my first self-thought out project, a furnance(wich are on) counter, set up to a number, and everytime, doesn't matter in what order, you put stuff in the furnance to burn, the number shown wil go one up. When going out, the number also goed down again. Doesn't matter in what order or speed. Now, this is quite complicated for me, since I'm mostly only known with the basic redstone stuff, and I try to make the best out of that.
I've built lots of piston doors and hidden trap systems, but these are all from tutorials from YouTube. I just want to proceed, and progress my knowlage in Redstone.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'm from The Netherlands, I'm 14 years old, in 9th grade of what we call VWO/gymnasium, wich is basicly the most challenging educations from Dutch High-School, with the subjects Latin and Greek being taught. I don't want to brag about myself, but that's just my school information. I've been taking drumming lessons for over 8 years, and I've been climbing for about 5 years now.
Oh and I've only got one Youtube video that shows redstone related stuff, although that clip is mostly based on the building itself. I built that one year ago on the server, but I stopped there because it was getting boring and they accepted bigger and bigger assholes every single day. I do have got another redstone related video, but that's just showing one of the most simple bud-switches you'll have ever seen, so I don't think that's important.
Application status: