Application 3979

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I really want to join a friendly and protected server, where I can build redstone contraptions with others, and to learn a bit more about the complex logic functions that are possible with redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have succesfully build a Multiplicator, Divisor, Adder and Subtractor, and the adder I had with a display and a button input for both binary inputs, going from 0 to 15, but with a option to manually input a number with levers. To describe the adder, at first, it is very simple. The main binary logic is in the calculator, which was build using XOR and AND-Gates, to set up binary half-adders, combined to a full adder with 8-Bit inputs. The display and inputs were just some ... I don't know the name for them, but basically, just "converters". (Hope you know what I mean.) The multiplicator I build was set up with a cache. What I had was a normal adder, a pulser (or better clock), that pulsed some latches to save, from these latches I was feeding the output back into the adders. Also, there was a counter, counting up every time the clock gave a signal. When the counter reached the second multiplication value, it stopped the clock. You could then get the result from the cache. It was a simple 4-Bit multiplicatior. The divider was similar to the multiplicator, but it didn't have a counter, that stopped the clock. The clock was stopped, when the saved value of the latches was smaller then the value you were dividing through. Also, the main calculation part was set up as a subtractor, instead of an adder. To subtract, you simply set the carry-in for the first adder to high, and invert the inputs for the numer you want to subtract. I hope this is accurate enough.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I hope I will be approved soon, so I can start to do some calulative stuff XD Nah, I'll first do some simple, but effective work. A firework display, maybe?
Application status: 