Application 3985

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well, i will be fully honest with you right from the begining. A long time ago i used to play on this server. i enoyed playing the server before hand due to the fact that all the people around me had the same interest... Redstone. To be able to share my knowledge and experience with others and play together building redstone machines is great fun. With this server being dedicated directly to redstone i can, i can do all of that in one place. However the problem is, last time i played this server i was banned. Ofcorse back then i was still an imature little fool and now days i regret all the stupid things i did in the past. I was banned for making a penis... Which like i said was stupid. So i hope for an unban and a whitelist.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have since last playing this server learnt alot about redstone. I know how all redstone funtions work, how things are to be placed to work correctly. I know all the logic gates, i know some other funky little redstone things which are all cool. I have build larger structures aswell like calculators, mini games,(tetris,rock paper scissor,checkers,) down to the more simple things like simple pixel displays, and other little redstone mechanisms to make things work.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Ok well first up while i have the chance, i would like to say sorry for my imature actions back wen i used to play this server. I would like to also say i have grown up since then and most certainly wont let u down on that. I love to share experiance with other lerners. Thanks for taking the time to read this long app. Pixel.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

I must say, when you're 19 sitting home and making penises in minecraft, you can't be much serious. And just turning 20 can't have that much effect. But if you're ready to apologize as you just did, then I would like to give you another chance.

Just asking: Is your mother proud of you, when you are 19 years old, and sitting home making penises on a minecraft server, that childrens comes too?`Think again about how immature that is!

By Flandyn