Application 3989

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
As mentioned before, I am adept at simple concepts, but when trying to compact a circuit, or creating something without a tutorial, I am a fish out of water In joining this server, which seems mainly focused on redstone design, I hope to learn advanced redstone skills, and advance my knowledge to even greater heights. Also, seeing that most redstoners are of a certain intelligence, I feel that i might find friends who think alike. At least, different from those generic PvP/factions servers that are so common these days.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In the past few months, i've mainly been experimenting with basic circuits and such. I'm a master at following tutorials, but ask for anything past a flush 2x2 door, and I'm lost.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Just a few questions: Is there a mature staff in place? Is the SMP server vanilla or bukkit? Is this the real life....Is this just fantasy?
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

We would consider our staff mature. And staff is like in Voxelbox a very difficult rank to recive. It's not for everyone! The SMP server is bukkit. And it's all real. Whitout this sentence.

Anyways, congratulation, I'll hope you enjoy what you see!

By Flandyn