posted by cash3345
on Fri, 2013-03-15 21:10
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server because I have never really used redstone before (besides simple stuff [1x2 doors, ect.]) I have become very experienced with other aspects of the game such as building, survival, and being staff on servers. I just want to expand my knowledge of the game and, quite frankly, have a good time!
Past Redstone Experience:
... Now for the scary part. As i have mentioned before I have very little redstone knowledge. For the most part the highlight of my redstone career it a 2x2 seamless door that i one time built. But otherwise I have only built small things like 1x2 doors and trap floors. I am sorry for the lack of detail, but that is about it. I just hope someone is willing to look past that and help me learn!
(p.s.) I am a fast learner. :)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am certain you have all seen a 1x2 pressure plate door so i have not added any pictures. XD. Anyways, If anyone is interested I do have a skype @ mark-cash3345- . And if you send a request please specify your ign and that you are from this server or it may get ignored. :) Thank you for reading my application and I hope you considering me as a Learner! See you soon!
Application status:
Awesome application!