posted by giby16
on Sat, 2013-04-06 00:25
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because love redstone,
I love servers,
and i love yew!
Past Redstone Experience:
Vending Machine
uses reverser,
which is used for the "You must insert item to get food out!" mechanism
Application status:
Not approved
This application
This application has barely any questions answered. It looks like a very lazy application. In the question "Why are you interested and joining this server" two of the answers were completely stupid and shouldn't count. Also, "Because love redstone" cannot be a reason. It is not even a dependent clause. You mentioned to me you owned a server. Why would you spend your on here. Everything is super vague and unrealistic. You only answered the questions you really had to or were very short. It seems to me that the second you get Learner you will start griefing everything. My opinion is denied. Sorry, Bud. Although I don't really have a say in things myself.