Application 4046

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i have always been interested in how redstone worked. And then when i finally worked out everything i was hooked. No w every time i go on minecraft i try out new redstone contraptions that i thought up previously. For the past few weeks i have been looking for a redstone server where people interested in redstone like me can get together and just build. Finally yesterday i found this one whichh looked awesome so i started this application right away.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Although i have only been a minecraftian since september 2012 i still have things like redstone battles with my friends (12 out of 14 i have won WOOOO!) I have to singleplayer worlds dedicated to redstone, ihave a redstone app on my phone, and my password on a website (not going to say which one) is "redstoneisawesome123."
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i can solve a rubiks cube in under 30 seconds, i think computers are the best creations ever, i play the guitar ,and, i may not be the best ever at redstone i still love it and want to join the server
Application status: 


they're the only redstone item that i caant understand, and everyone who does know describes it in a very unhelpful 5 words
can someone help as i think they would be very useful

i forgot to mention but i have created 2 redstone based adventure maps

By epicpersoncalledme

for me, comparators take the place of a redstone torch in my creations. They work like this, if u have a signal going through the back of the comparator that is stronger than one going into the sides, it outputs a signal. They probably can be useful in some casees but in most they just use up quarts.

By BenS215