posted by BenS215
on Sat, 2013-04-06 20:44
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server for a few reasons. I love redstone, i always have and use it for prototypes of creations in real life(i am creating a working electric piston right now). However much i love redstone i still need training and i am interested in getting that through this server. I have some training in redstone though and can make simple creations. I have never griefed before and dont plan on it, also i plan on becoming very good at redstone creations, and from what ive heard i am very bright so i may end up being a redstone maniac.
Past Redstone Experience:
My past redstone experience involes my own time setting up creeper traps, secret doors and many other things. I have self taught myself simple things like loop systems and note block use. I have spent alot of time working on a server known as fenixcraft (actual spelling i know its pheonix) and have had lessons on hopper uses from the owner before the server became outdated. This is also a reason why i want to join, i have lost the use of a very convienient server and my skills have started to slowly deteriarate without the making of projects. I am most famous for starting a making a note block song that plays a little tune, but it is very simple. I work with pistons for the doors and for the loop project i have a lever directed to a redstone torch with a wire that brings the charge back to the torch, this shuts it off and it creates a loop. i have to put a delayer on this though becomes the torch "burns out". I do not have any links because i like to keep my work somewhat secretive, and i dont know how to record videos on minecraft.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I hope to join you in the building of creations and i really dont mind my level (Learner, Regular, ect.) as long as i get to do what i love, build with redstone. I have already mentioned my previos try with a electric piston, and i am inclined to state that i am working on various machines that use electromagnetism, very like redstone.
Application status:
Informally accepted
Although I am not a site admin, this application receives my consent for being accepted (You will be ranked to learner as of now)
thanks blackbelt jr
i put a lot of time into it so i hope i get accepted.
this is to the approver, i noticed that in the list of applications it shows "name" then "minecraft username". i think u should clarify that when putting your name down dont put your minecraft username, my name is Benjamin.
Sorry for slow approvment.
I'm apologizing for the slow approvement, but this norwegian likes to sleep the entire morning.