Application 4114

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have always loved trying to create new projects with redstone. The career I am striving for is to become a software engineer, and I believe that redstone serves a connection to that. I used to frequent a server called the redstone development foundation. Recently, I have found out that their website has been shutdown and their hostname is not being resolved in my minecraft client, so I am looking for a new server to join. I am also interested in joining any projects that this server might be conducting right now. I know that the redstone development foundation (I am going to start calling it rdf from now on) tried to connect everyone's plots to each other and create their own "internet". We also tried to find a way to make "instant wire". I am also interested in joining so that I can look at others creations and have those inspire me into making new creations / faster logic gates.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I believe that i have a firm grasp on all the basics such as all the simple logic gates. I do know binary, and I do know how to apply this to redstone. I also have a grasp on how to convert binary to decimal (not a firm grasp, this is a project I am looking to start once I find a new redstone server to frequent). I have studied some of the creations ohmgane3sha has created, (specifically his 16 bit programmable computer) and have a slight grasp on what he has created.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built many creations, specifically on rdf's server. Some of these included 1 block wide logic gates that could operate extremely fast tick wise. I have also built (based off of ohmgane3sha's creations again) a 8 and 16 bit alu, which could operate very quickly (I cant remember how fast the response was on it, since it was destroyed on rdf's server, I would guess it was about 4-10 tick response depending on the load you put on it). I have also made a very quick binary to bcd decoder, which was also destroyed when rdf's server went down. I have also built many other smaller creations. I know how to build simple 7 segment displays, as well as how to use them. I have also built simpler things, such as redstone piston doors and switching piston lights in a ceiling.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
This application is to replace the old one I created. Most of my creations have been destroyed, so getting pictures of them is hard, if not impossible. Also, its been a while since I have worked with redstone, so dont expect me to be making 8/16 bit alu's right off the bat if you guys decide to accept me. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read over my application :D.
Application status: 