Application 4125

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would love to join this Redstone server. I love building with redstone, its my favourite hobby. I like helping others with redstone and this was the first recommended server on Minecraft Servers for redstone!
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know a stack load of Redstone. Almost all gates off by heart, and I'm always looking for ways to improve my builds. Anything you ask me, I will try my best to help. I also like to use redstone to build small contraptions to be intergrated into everyday Minecraft!
Past Redstone Experience: 
A nine button code door. It comes off the buttons into a redstone torch line, each line missing one torch, that missing torch is the button you need to press. When pressed, makes a sound. Torch lines are modular and able to be added on, you can have as many digits as you want. It then runs through a security line making sure that your pressing the buttons in the correct order, one wrong button and the code is reset. It is then sent into a RS NOR latch input being the code and to reset it, you press the button inside past the door, thus closing the door, and resetting the code.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have a positive attitude and like smileys? :)
Application status: 