posted by candjsmalley@gm...
on Tue, 2013-04-16 16:16
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i really want to make my redstone knowledge better and my friend recomendid this server (oracle_5) and also i could only find this server when i look one up to play on. I can make many strange redstone stuff but my favourite thing to use is sticky pistons i just want to be really good at the redstone so i can make more advanced contraptions. Thanks Smally766
Current Redstone knowledge:
At presewnt i am currently able to produce a number of redstone contraptions such as a tic tac toe board, 9 digit combination lock, simple redstone knoledge such as t flip flops and converters. I also now how to make rs nor latch arrays and decoders.
Past Redstone Experience:
Well the tic tac toe board was my best creation it used a converter and a decoder and in some versions a t flip flop. My 9 digit combination lock used a rs nor latch array and a t flip flop.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would also love to use this server as i believe it will help me in my future carrer as a computer engineer.
Application status: