Application 4143

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
well i would like to join the server becus i whant to learn more about redstone and some of my friends told me what this server was a realy good one. and one of the reasons why i want to join the server is what i cant get help on a singleplayer world if i get stuck so then i can ask someone to help me out. and of course i would like to met new people. and i would realy be veary happy if you leted me into the server so i could learn more
Current Redstone knowledge: 
well i know very little about redstone but i can a few like water farm and coded doors (not done yet wive the coded door)
Past Redstone Experience: 
i made a lighthous in 1.3.2 i belive it was what version and i made a fully working pigman crusher in the realworld (pigman crusher made in 1.5.1) and i made a waterfarm in the 1.4.7
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i love games :3
Application status: 