Application 4150

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am a redstone addict, I find redstone very amazing, i like to experiment with it(Mostly command blocks) since i was introduced into MC in general. So i was thinking, is there a Redstone Server? And i found this, and i really want to join it. I just would really like a redstone server.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know all about redstone, pretty much. Repeaters, dispenser, cmd blocks, tnt, pistons, younameit. I am the sort of guy who likes to Experiment 100000x with it until i can get it to the best version of my thingimbuilding.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have made an Automatic TNT trampoline,(Used with TNT spawning by dispensers in a ring around you with water, wich will blow you skyhigh) a Redstone Light fountain(A simple beautiful fountain with redstone lamps. You can ofc turn the water&lamps off/on.), and currently im trying to think of a sort of Piston door that unlocks in a spiral way.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I would really like it if my application got accepted. I love redstone, and even thinking of a whole server, and a big epic community who i can work with, would just be awesome.
Application status: 