posted by Masterchambe
on Fri, 2013-04-19 18:58
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to see others creation and show others mine. Its simply to "Expand Knowledge", Also i want to know how to make redstone
lamp displays. Plus, i was a visitor and i saw a Cool Ping Pong Game :D, so i think there must be better things!
Current Redstone knowledge:
All the basic gates (AND, OR, XOR and its negatives), Latches (RS NOR, Repeater, etc...) BUD's, Redstone energy properties (How it
propagates and with what condition it does), Traps!, T-FlipFlop (Also i know a hopper based TFF), Note block music, Item Counters,
Automatic train stations, etc etc etc....
Past Redstone Experience:
I made a telegraph, that uses memory cells (Actually 3) and its able to record signals and resend them. Also it has an "Signal Editor".
PS: Memory cells can store 20-Bits. It uses Piston AND gates, repeaters with 2 ticks delay (Memory Cell), Some note blocks for
advising a new message. Also i made a Subtraction-only calculator using comparator (Easy, so no images)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Pic 1: Memory cells interface, with selection and delete options
Pic 2: Send Interface
Pic 3: Receptor Interface
Application status: