posted by john9912
on Sat, 2013-04-20 16:20
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I like redstone and have recently started a series of redstone inventions that i have made up (Not sure if people have made them before) and are working. My inventions are and using that; and i would be VERY happy to join the redstone server because then i could see everyones else creations and get inspired =D. yes my youtube account is SuperNicejohn, not to be advertising.
Current Redstone knowledge:
^ what else can i say? =) I have been playing MC since early 1.0.0 and have gotten interest in redstone over the time and i have gotten that as my main point to do in minecraft so Raise Your Expectations! If i make you dissapointed ban me! <-- I Want that to happen if im doing bad! =). In the videos above i have the piston based flip-flop which would have worked since 1.3 when the function of locking a repeater was introduced. To conclude: I have a large redstone knowledge.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have made many things, but my internet is at a uploading rate of less than 1MBit/s so its hard to show them (and also the worlds are since looong deleted. =/ But i feel that the password is one of the better things that i have made. including the technique that i also made in the earlier video.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I like the looks of the server and i have only visited spawn! o.O =D
Application status: