posted by Noahoftheark
on Sun, 2013-04-21 20:34
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server because I feel that I am a competent minecraft player who knows his way around the game. I also feel that most of the other servers in the world are lacking the skill and basic redstone prowess that I search for in a community. I have always enjoyed tinkering with the red powder and I have fun understanding and learning new redstone tricks. I would like to join the server so I can share what I know and hopefully expand my understanding and use of redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I understand the basics and I have begun to probe into the more advanced parts of redstone, I know how to build all the gates, power through blocks, make piston and non piston clocks, I can use command blocks to a degree to run teleporters, I have built lighting for servers and firework displays for my own enjoyment. I understand AND, NOR, OR, XOR and their respective inverted counterparts. I can move redstone up and down using torches and glowstone. However I am still building BUD switches, so I am learning in that respect. I feel that I do know plenty of redstone and would be a great addition to your community, both to share my work and to expand on my knowledge.
Past Redstone Experience:
Some of my previous work has mainly been server based, I enjoy finding complex ways of lighting up in game cities with daylight sensors, (from the old multi-block ones, to the newer compact ones) and building fun doors and traps. Something I pride myself on is my animal powered door, by entrapping animals in a confined space with a pressure plate on one end and a torch/grass on the other the animal likes to stay near the grass and light, so by hooking the respective pressure plates up to an AND gate and an invert cell you I can power any redstone door. The trick comes in with the key, since the animal will generally stay away from the pressure plate leaving the door closed you need to be holding a key, namely carrot for a pig, seeds for chickens, or wheat for cows, as the animals get drawn by their respective foods to near the player they step on the pressure plate and open the door, this creates a simple key that you can hold and if you really need, eat. I am also decent with hopper technology and powering doors using the hopper.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am a good player and a good man, I would be happy to server along side you and happy to learn and help from and with everybody I can.
Application status: