posted by r_malco
on Sun, 2013-04-28 04:29
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I have always loved redstone. I am good at redstone, but I hope to see what others have built with redstone in order to learn more about how it works. This looks like a fun and interesting server, and I know I won't get griefed because of the application system, which makes me happy.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I would like to think that I know a good amount of redstone. I am excited about the comparators that just came out, but as of yet I haven't figured them out yet. I do a lot of work with clocks and pistons, and also enjoy making rollercoasters (It's a little redstone, right? XD ) I love using redstone. I like to build parkour with it too.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have built a rube goldberg machine that lasted for about 3 minutes. I built a working tetris game using pistons and gravel, and other redstone logic. I have built a lot of parkour using redstone, with blocks that jot out of walls and such. I can build the basic stuff too: the 3 high door with pistons, a clock, etc
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I really like the server spawn XD
Application status:
Not approved
if it goodby39 who aproves this or reviews it tell him i said hi :)
Banned for Plagiarism
You are now permanently banned from the Redstone server.
have fun
i was testing you to see if you were checking to see if i was coping.
Shame to waste so much money on a minecraft account, just to do that :/