Application 4228

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Want to learn a bit more about redstone, mainly incodeing and decodeing
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Im not sure where I stand on knowledge.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have made; analog clocks useing cartsand pistons, a lightsout game, shops, counter/clock, slots, and a more complex lightsout game that I need help with.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
All phots belong to me and objects in photos were done by me. The first few are from (removed for advertising reasons). the next ones are from (dead) or (dead) then the OLD ones are from (so dead)
Application status: 
Not approved


wow not approved must be tooo old

By Madmandoom
Flandyn's picture

No, age, region and background has nothing with getting approved or not. So it's neither posetiv ot negativ. But basically we want you to write longer. We are recommending all players to write atleast two full lines per question.

By Flandyn

strange I feel like I need to write a Doctorate on simple yes or no answers.

By Madmandoom