Application 4346

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've always had problems finding people as interested in redstone as I am. Usually servers will have maybe one or two people with even a passing understanding of how circuits work. It sort of dampens the mood when I'm excited about my new modular binary to BCD converter, and no one understands why it's cool.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Most basic to moderately advanced circuits. I can do just about anything you would put in an MC house- I.E. automatic lighting systems, doorbells, automatic doors, 9-digit combination locks, password locks, clocks, timed circuits, hidden circuits, etc. I'm not quite so skilled as to create a fully functioning computer (I have yet to break down an ALU for study) and I'm a bit rusty as it's been a while since I played, but I did... just realize that there's another question for things I've done.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Including the systems listed above, I've come up with my own adder/subtracter, multiplier (A real one, not the AND-gate matrix), a digital keypad that outputs BCD with a shifting register (everything I do is modular, so there is no limit to digits) and a BCD to binary so it can slap right onto a calculator with the other parts. I've made a 4-track synthesizer based loosely on Disco's model, binary to BCD module (4 bit, 8 bit, 16 bit, doesn't matter) and.... some other things. It's been a while. I'm not going to go into all of them, however the Binary to BCD was pretty simple. I took a 4-bit version of my full adder and put torches on the least two significant digits on the A-input with repeaters leading into the attached block inverted so they remain off. Split a vertical line off of the B-input (where the binary is coming from) to an and gate on the repeater causing it to only activate when the B- input is greater than 4. Three passes with a single module, two passes with two modules side-by-side, and an 8-bit is completely converted. it's a simple matter to hook it directly into a 3-digit 7-display at that point.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
On the link, post 6 is an example of the binary-to-BCD
Application status: 