posted by Pyrollamasteak
on Wed, 2013-05-15 19:47
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
My friend arcman98 told me about the server and I like the idea of a creative mode redstone server, and I would like to learn more form arcman98 in a structured enviroment like the server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Redstone is a toggle able power source that receives input from pressure plates or levers or buttons or redstone torches. this power is carried for 15 blocks until a redstone repeater is required and then the power can reach an output, like a redstone lamp or piston (sticky as well) or note block or dispenser or dropper or doors of all types.
Past Redstone Experience:
Created a useless machine not using a piston to push a lever and break it, what i did was I made a pressure plate power a piston then the it pushes up another piston, which has a power source be hind the upper location, making it push you off, turning itself off. did i mention i managed to hide all redstone and pistons to look like a shack.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Arcman98 will help me improve my redstoning (is that even a term? lol). Sorry for lack of pictures, have a good day. :)
Application status:
Not approved