posted by Tr1pme1ster
on Thu, 2013-05-23 21:04
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've been building huge Redstonecreations at other Servers, and got bothered by all the lags, so now i'm looking for a Server to show and improve my Redstone skills. My Singleplayer World is full of different Redstone mechanisms, and Machines, and i would like to share them with others.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I would say, i have improved Redstone knowledge, for the last Year i've nearly only been building Redstone stuff when playing Minecraft, i'm studying "electronical and information technology", and from that i got good knowledge of digital Logic, and i know how to use it in Minecraft.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've concentrated on building small, complex circuits/machines, and have never been building stuff that was bigger than a few chunks. My favourite creation is an full automatic item-sorter, you just place your inv in a chest, and all the items will be sorted, and dropped in seperate chests, it only works for stackable items, but its absolutely stabil, as long as nobody touches the circuit, there is no way, the machine could make problems, if i get to be a learner, i can show you the detailed mechanism. Another big projekt has been a gambling machine for Multiplayerservers, its 20x20x7 blocks, to fit in the usershop of an server i'm playing on, and it works with 4 redstonelamps, that light up one after another, and you have to push a button, and stop the lights, at the top right lamp. You first have to place an diamont (other items won't work) in a Chest, and then you are able to play, if you hit the right lamp, 3 dispenser beside you, will shoot diamonts or gravel, the Chance of winning can be adjusted by the amount of diamont inside the dispensers. For this Project i used resettable binary cells, to save the lamp you hit, and display if you won or not.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
First of all: Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Germany :)
I didn't added any links to pictures, because all my creations are saved on my pc. If necessary, i can sent you some Pictures tomorrow, but i can also show you some stuff, when i'm on the server.
Application status: