posted by Billy_bob_joe33
on Sun, 2013-05-26 23:03
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am looking for a server full of people that enjoy redstone like me. I am good at strategy and puzzles and so other building servers are so so because i am not good at building anything fancy. But when i comes to puzzles (and redstone is a huge puzzle in desize) i will puzzle it over until i figure it out. i enjoy looking at others' inventions (like the famous Sethbling) and trying something similer or doing it to figure out so that i can use parts of it in other builds. I am not that good but i would like to learn more.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I am not very good at the logic gate (or any other type of gate) but i am good at pistons and TNT. I am good at taking parts of this and that and combining them to make something new. i know the "physics" of redstone and know 4 ways to do redstone ladders(2 can only go up, 2 can go both ways.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have not done much but i have created an overly complex 2 by 2 door that had a repeater going into the side of another reapeater because i needed the signal to get there b4 another single reached its destination but leave after the other one. I've made mob arenas,tried to make an automatic Iron golem Machine and i could probably do it now, i made a lava protection system for a house that can be turned off, hidden stairs. I worked on a timer/stop watch that i could probably do now, and an automatic "freight train" system.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am really hoping to get on, when i looked around i saw many huge logic builds which i am not good at but would like to learn.
Application status:
Город затейный: что ни шаг, то съестной да питейный.