posted by ghyhgyhgy12
on Tue, 2013-05-28 23:40
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
its redstone why not its wonderful its the best thing im hoping i can teach some stuff but instead i might learn a lot im not the best at redstone but im not the worst an id like for a free place to build and have fun im not a griefer ive been griefed and im hoping that wont happen here so again id like to join because my friend and its a good sever from what i hear and id like to join really bad
Current Redstone knowledge:
i know gates traps mazes ext. ext. but the best and my favorite is a entire 75 block bridge rising out of lava and your place is perfect to learn more im not the best but also not the first
Past Redstone Experience:
most successes some failers alot of griefers but hopefully not in here id like to play with my friend Thefight 191
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Thefighter 191
Application status:
Not approved