Application 4653

RedDigitalMc's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I love to make Redstone Contraptions. I have made this from double block-swappers to seamless trapdoors. Redstone is the main reason I play Minecraft. However, I never have the chance to share my creations. I think this server will not only help me learn more about Redstone, but it will be my opportunity to share my inspiration.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I can make Bud-Switches, Doors, shops, Command Block Adventure Maps, and even Redstone Powered Mob Arenas. (I'll make them for you if you would like.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My creations (pictures in links): First Image: Seamless trapdoor, this machine makes a 2x2 hole in the ground, but then gets rid of the pistons that you would usually see on the sides of the hole. It replaces the pistons, before it covers the hole back up again. Secound Image: It is a work in progress but it makes stairs made of half bricks appear without any visible pistons. (its a little difficult to explain.) Third Image: Its the same as the first but 1x1. Fourth: This is an extendable wall block swapper. It rotates blocks around a cycle before it pushes the next block. There is more inventions I know how to make. However, I did not origanally make them.
Application status: 