posted by galacticstar4324
on Sun, 2013-06-02 01:26
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love redstone. I am a redstoner ans I would love to use my skills of it on this server. I would like to meet all the other redstoners too. I looked at this server on the forums and it looked awesome, the server for me. :)
Current Redstone knowledge:
Inputs, outputs, T-flip flop, simple 2x2 piston door, 2x2 - 5x3 piston door, codes, wiring, the gates listed here - NOT gate, AND gate NAND gate, NOR gate, OR gate, XOR gate, XNOR gate, rapid pulser, clock, timing and ticks of repeaters, block update sensor, comparators, daylight sensor, and hopper magic :)
Past Redstone Experience:
My best redstone creation was a giant mine. I had too dig out a area really big and then I put pistons in certain spots. I set up repeaters and just the right timing so that the pistons would completly mine for me. What was cool is that I found a bug that when a piston pushes a block into the void, it dissapers so I used that to get rid of the blocks. So bascilcly, I made a quarry in vanilla minecraft :D The bad thing is that when the 1.5 update came out it completly destroyed my work :( The pistons didnt push anymore and the redstone timing got all wrong so I had to delete the world. I couldnt fix it no matter what I did. D:
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would love to join this server and get to know everyone here. :)
Application status: