Application 4667

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I looked up this server for redstone practice. When I learned that it was possible to build and learn from others, I naturally jumped at the opportunity. I would like to be a member on this server for the reason that is best: to better myself in Redstone and learn from people who have spent a significant amount of time building contraptions.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
While I have used redstone in the past, I have not truly designed anything that requires much effort. I have stayed away from that kind of project mostly due to a lack of confidence in what I have built so far. Since this server exists, however, I see it as a perfect way to apply what little I know, such as Flip-Flops and elevators, and mix it with whatever the server can teach me through observation or through another member's direction.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In the past I have worked with redstone by incorporating things learned by observation of CNBMinecraft, Redstone Innovations, and other channels of the sort. Because of this I am left with a very limited amount of creations. I have however created doors, bridges, elevators, and (using really slow and crappy trial and error) hidden stairs both in-house and underground. I left a link to some contraptions on my last application.
Application status: 