Application 4702

tamaral36's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i am interested in this server because im curious to see what other people use redstone for. im not amazing at it but i can do a few things with it. i would like to learn a lot more about it becuase it seems fun and technical! all i did was log on and the players are great! they are really nice and welcoming.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
for redstone i know that it is wiring in the style of dust, a lot of things in real life you can do with redstone, for example. the automatic doors im say wal mart, you can make sliding doors with redstone. some redstone creations are simple, others are very complicated and need a lot of time. i have that time.
Past Redstone Experience: 
my latest redstone creation i though was cool but very very simple. what i did was i made a small hut with villagers in it, the space ouside of it was fenced off. i put redstone underneath the redstone lamps. and when it would get dark the villagers would go inside their home that was filled with pressure plates that lead to the lamps thus lighting them up at night because villagers go outside in the day and stay inside at night
Application status: 