Application 4703

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am an excellent redstoner, devoted specifically to reduction in size of big creations, as well as being able to contribute my very own creations to the community. I have many previous projects I have done, as well as successfully reduced size on dozens of famous contraptions. That is what I do best. I'm not going to be one of those people who say "I like creating stuff and am good with redstone." because I am better than that. I won't just create a BUD and claim I'm a redstone genius. I would create magic with the technologies of redstone and will blow everybody away.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
You name it, I know it. I am a very brute-force person and am able to solve nearly any problem by tinkering with redstone a bit. BUDs, Gates, and pretty much all the little redstone tricks and bugs. It's what I love most in Minecraft.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My best and proudest creation was creating a 4x4 door. Yes, sounds easy and lame, but it's not so much when I add the fact that it was 3-wide and flush with a wall. A nearly impossible task. It was huge, but I continue to toy away at it, trying to make it smaller and smaller nearly every day.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am currently class honors in 3 different engineering classes and two mathematics classes. I am supreme at puzzles and math theories, making me a perfect candidate for this server. The three pictures I supplied was the two-minute analog clock with the front view as well and the redstone view, as well as the world's most compact single-output daylight sensor, creates by your's truly. I hope I make it through!
Application status: 