Application 4762

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'm interested in sharing my redstone experiences with others and also improving my personal knowledge. Also building redstone stuff is much easier on Redstone exclusive servers than on normal survival servers.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Personally, I think that I have an advanced redstone knowledge. I know how to build and use Flip Flops and memory cells.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In the past i have develop some big and some small engine's. Automatic Storage Systems. A Save System with 10 Saves with each one have an individual code. A Working very compact Escalator. Started a fully automatically Roller coaster Station for 4 Carts. A 1 bit bus to move byte's serial on 1 wire. An Decoder. 2 different seven segment displays. And my biggest, a playable Ship Sinking with a 10 by 10 playground, display that show you, your shots and strikes, automatic winner Detection; automatic button controlled Ship placing and shooting. While building these projects I was joined and helped by some friends and together we want to play on this server.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm looking forward to a good collaboration and knowledge sharing and I have to say thanks to Ogameplayer to tell me about this marvellous server.
Application status: 
Not approved


Hi, i also write at Loois95's application that this is no plagiarism. The things he counted we have build-ed together

By Ogameplayer
Flandyn's picture

I'm denying this because you just copied Ogamaplayer's application. And you need to write your own application to join this server. So please re-write this with your own words.

Und ich kann Deutsch, es ist schwer zu englisch sprechen wann Deutsch ist deine Muttersprache, aber es ist natürlich das alles müssen ein Bewerbung schreiben.

By Flandyn