posted by The Melon Minec...
on Sat, 2013-06-08 13:52

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would like a server where I can test out my redstone knowledge and learn new stuff. I would also like a server with a nice, redstone based community. And, I think that this is the one server that I have been looking for! It's just a place to redstone. Any redstoners dream!
Current Redstone knowledge:
Now, I wouldn't consider myself an EXPERT, but i'm pretty good. I can make s fancy alarm, i'm an expert at making screens, and I am pretty good at making a computer type thing. I'm happy I found the server so I can learn a little bit more about redstone, and teach others.
Past Redstone Experience:
In the past, I have not been that good at redstone. I build a large gymnasium that had lights that went on one after another using repeaters. At the end, there was a command block with a /say command which said You have turned on the lights. When the lights were shut off, it said The lights have been turned off.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Application status: