Application 4876

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in joining this server because my whole entire 3 years of playing Minecraft, I am learning new Redstone things every week. I absolutely love Redstone, from flush doors to armor equipper to trader. The Redstone post is going to be long. This is why I want to be on this server. I love Redstone and Multiplayer.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
This is going to be a lot. First, if you power Redstone it can transmit through one block and keep its same level of power, unless its a repeater. If you put a torch on the side of a block, and power Redstone through the opposite side, the torch will turn off. This is a good way of making a clock. You could put a Redstone torch on the side of the block, a block above the Redstone torch, and then Redstone on the block the torch is on. (Is this confusing?) If you power Redstone on the top of a Redstone-required block, or to the side, it gets powered. A wooden pressure plate can be activated by either a player, a thrown/dispensed item, or falling sand/gravel. If an extended piston that has sand on it disextends, the sand will fall down on to it. If powered Redstone is on a block that has a Redstone-required block next to it, the block will be powered. This is tiring. A Redstone repeater pumps out a level of power 16 to Redstone. If you power a Redstone Comparator to the side and less power to the back, the Comparator will put out the amount of power that the back is subtracted from the side. If the back power is more then the side, the Comparator will turn off, unless if it is in the mode where the torch is lit. A tripwire sends a Redstone pulse of 15 when it gets activated by either a mine cart or a Player. Now, command blocks. Commands: /say (what you want to say) /say @p/@r/@a (R=3rm=3l=1lm=0) (What you want to say) says a message to the server or certain players. /testfor tests if the requirements are completed in a certain area. /tell @p/@a/@r (what you want to say) Messages a message to the specified person. This is very tiring. /give (Player) @p/@r/@a id # Gives the specified item to the specified player. I am going to stop now. Phew.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Ok, now the creations. I've made a bridge, a giant self building platform, a fridge, a gate, a flush trap door, an elevator, an armor equipper, and much, much, much, much more. How I made the bridge: I made a line of dispensers that when pushed, (with Redstone repeaters timing it correctly) It made either a bridge of mine carts, boats, or a waterfall. The giant platform: I simply made a cobblestone generator. The piston (on a FAST clock) pumps out the cobblestone 24 blocks or so, and then more pistons push out those, then more push out those, and it makes a GIANT platform for building more Redstone. It automatically fixes its self. The fridge: Simply place an Iron Door, a Dispenser behind it, and a button. The gate: I made a line of extended sticky pistons facing up (UnderGround) with iron bars on them (above Ground) and the same thing but flipped upside down 4 blocks above it. A lever or a pressure plate can activate it. Flush Trap Door: I made a command block that was always getting pulsed with Redstone and the command was: /testfor [r=5rm=3] and that activated Sticky pistons which pulled the blocks back and drops the player to his death. :) The elevator: Simply placing pistons going up crisscross, which got activated with each a longer time then the others. Other stuff: I made a Tic Tac Toe thing. I will only show four of these things.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
This was very tiring. If I'm not on every day, that means stupid homework strikes again. Have a good time!
Application status: 


Welp, I guess that was fun.

By ElementalKAOS

Umm yeah, definately not necessary but... Ok I guess you like writing

By bobsnop