Application 4905

lillaville's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I like redstone and I think that the server looks good. It seems that everyone is nice to everyone else.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I have mostly used command blocks, but so far not so much redstone. I know a little bit about CPUs in Minecraft. I have built a few minigames using redstone and command blocks. I hope to learn more about redstone on this server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
One of my best redstone creations is a 8 x 2 piston door using redstone blocks and pistons. When you click on a button the door opens through two pistons removing redstone blocks. Then two other redstone blocks are pulled in using pistons, after which all pistons and redstone blocks are pulled into the wall.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I hope I am accepted and that you let me join as learner.
Application status: 