Application 4927

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Since i have started playing minecraft i loved the redstone. It is such a fun for me, making machines, building circuits and even making factorys! i am interested in server because there are such awesome players in the server that can teach me alot with redstone i am really interested in learning and building . I believe (hope) we will be good friends and redstone builders :).
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know the basics and even more i can build the main circuits easily but i do not know the new game updates such as comparators (i wasnt around for a while :) ) i am really good with piston inventions tough. i know how to make some machines which is duping ( i know but the server is creative so i hope that is not a problem ) i have invented some of them too i really like redstone and exploring new redstone stuff . Ican easily say i am better then many people :D (not egoism)
Past Redstone Experience: 
I was playing on a rp server lately i have made some automatic factories wood i have used clocks for it. When i am on my free time i am playing with singleplayer and building stuff such as hidden piston doors and traps >:D :). And that is of course not all but that is all i can write at the moment. All i can say with simple words is: I love redstone , I love Minecraft :) Oh and i forgot to mention i have made a fully functioning casino with slot machines too (that was a great place for gambling :D)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
thank you so much for giving me time and reading this. sorry if i did any mistakes :)
Application status: 