Application 4928

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
First of all, I like the idea of a redstone server, where redstoning is the main subject (I really haven't seen this before) I am interested in redstone, and I like doing it, even though I am not that good. By playing on this server I think (and hope) that I'll be able to learn more about redstone, and practice my skills, to reach a higher level of standard.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I am not currently very into the hardcore stuff, I know all basics and some more, I've been creating smaller machines such as an automatic chest storage. I use many basics, and keep my stuff small (If it gets too big and messy, I can't really find out how to operate with it)
Past Redstone Experience: 
As said, an automatic chest storage (Storage room, where all loot from a mining trip were putted into one chest and the redstone machine behind the walls automaticly putted it into the right chests) I must admit that it is probably the hardest creation I've done so far)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
^ I can't really show anything I've done, as they are all deleted now. - I am not here to show my really insane overpowered redstone skills, but only to practice my redstoning, possibly get some help and watch other make incredible redstoning.
Application status: 